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Collocation với động từ "regulate"

April 7, 2023

I. Kiến thức liên quan

II. Collocation với từ "regulate"

1. adv + regulate

carefully, closely, properly, strictly, tightly, effectively, responsibly, heavily, loosely + regulate

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • The use of these chemicals is strictly regulated.
  • The government should strictly regulate the use of pesticides to protect the environment and public health.
  • It's important for the government to effectively regulate the use of firearms to prevent gun violence.
  • The aviation industry is tightly regulated to ensure passenger safety.
  • The food and drug administration must regulate properly to ensure the safety of medication.
  • The media should regulate responsibly to avoid spreading misinformation.
  • The financial industry must be heavily regulated to prevent economic crises.
  • The government may choose to loosely regulate certain industries to allow for innovation and growth.

2. verb + regulate

attempt to, seek to, be designed to, be intended to + regulate

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • a code of conduct intended to regulate press reporting on the royal family

3. Cụm từ

  • an attempt to regulate sth
  • heavily/highly regulated

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • a highly regulated economy

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