Collocation với "haphazard"

· Collocation


  • Haphazard manner

    • Definition: A way of doing something that is random, disorganized, or without any clear plan.
    • IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The files were arranged in a haphazard manner, making it difficult to find the necessary documents.
  • Haphazard approach

  • Haphazard way

    • Definition: A method of doing something that is unorganized and random.
    • IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: He cleaned the house in a haphazard way, leaving many spots untouched.
  • Haphazard fashion

    • Definition: A style or method that is done carelessly and without order.
    • IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The decorations were put up in a haphazard fashion, with no attention to symmetry or design.
  • Haphazard development

    • Definition: Growth or progression that occurs without planning or organization.
    • IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The city's haphazard development led to numerous traffic and infrastructure problems.
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