Word form, Antonym, Synonym, Collocation với "composed (adj)"

· Collocation

I. Paraphrase của "composed (adj)"


  1. Calm

    • Definition: Free from agitation or strong emotion.
    • Example Sentence: Despite the pressure of the situation, she remained calm and focused on her task.
  2. Collected

    • Definition: Self-possessed; in full control of one's faculties.
    • Example Sentence: He delivered his speech in a collected manner, without showing any signs of nervousness.
  3. Serene

    • Definition: Untroubled, peaceful, and calm.
    • Example Sentence: Her serene expression indicated that she was at peace with the decision she had made.

II. Antonym của "composed (adj)"


III. Word form của "composed (adj)"


  • Composition

    • Definition: The act or process of composing; the arrangement of elements in a work of art or piece of writing.
    • Example Sentence: The composition of the painting was meticulously planned to balance color and form.
  • Composure

    • Definition: The state of being calm and in control of oneself.
    • Example Sentence: Even in the face of adversity, she maintained her composure and handled the situation with grace.
  • Composer

    • Definition: A person who writes music, especially as a professional occupation.
    • Example Sentence: The composer created a beautiful symphony that captivated audiences worldwide.

IV. Collocation của "composed (adj)"


  1. Composed of

    • Definition: Made up of or consisting of.
    • Example Sentence: The committee is composed of experts from various fields.
  2. Composed demeanor

    • Definition: A calm and self-controlled manner.
    • Example Sentence: She maintained a composed demeanor during the entire meeting, despite the heated discussions.
  3. Remain composed

    • Definition: To stay calm and controlled, especially in a difficult situation.
    • Example Sentence: He managed to remain composed even when his plans started to fall apart.
  4. Composed expression

    • Definition: A facial expression that shows calmness and self-control.
    • Example Sentence: Despite the chaos around her, she kept a composed expression, not letting her emotions show.
  5. Composed manner

    • Definition: A way of behaving that is calm and self-controlled.
    • Example Sentence: He addressed the crowd in a composed manner, ensuring his message was clearly conveyed.


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