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Word form, Antonym, Synonym, Collocation với "correlate (v)"

August 29, 2024

I. Paraphrase của "correlate (v)"


  • Associate
    Definition: To link or connect one thing with another.
    Example Sentence: The study found that higher stress levels are often associated with lower productivity at work.

  • Relate
    Definition: To show or establish a connection between two or more things.
    Example Sentence: The results of the experiment relate closely to the previous findings on the same subject.>> Form đăng kí giải đề thi thật IELTS 4 kĩ năng kèm bài giải bộ đề 100 đề PART 2 IELTS SPEAKING quý đang thi (update hàng tuần) từ IELTS TUTOR

  • Link
    Definition: To make or show a connection between two or more things.
    Example Sentence: Researchers have linked excessive screen time to increased anxiety in teenagers.

II. Antonym của "correlate (v)"


  • Disconnect
    Definition: To break the connection between two or more things.
    Example Sentence: The data appeared to disconnect completely from the initial hypothesis, leading to unexpected conclusions.

  • Separate
    Definition: To divide or keep apart things that are typically connected.
    Example Sentence: It is important to separate personal beliefs from scientific evidence in a research study.

  • Dissociate
    Definition: To remove or disconnect from association with something.
    Example Sentence: The researchers attempted to dissociate their results from any potential bias that could affect the outcome.

III. Word form của "correlate (v)"


  • Correlation (noun)
    Definition: A mutual relationship or connection between two or more things.
    Example Sentence: There is a strong correlation between exercise and mental health.

  • Correlative (adjective)
    Definition: Mutually related; corresponding.
    Example Sentence: The increase in sales is correlative to the recent marketing campaign.

  • Correlated (adjective)
    Definition: Linked or connected to something else, often used to describe variables that change together.
    Example Sentence: The correlated data sets reveal interesting patterns in consumer behavior.

IV. Collocation của "correlate (v)"


    1. Correlate Strongly
      Definition: To have a strong connection or relationship with something else.
      Example Sentence: The level of education correlates strongly with income levels across different demographics.

    2. Correlate Positively
      Definition: To have a positive relationship with something, where both variables increase together.
      Example Sentence: Increased physical activity correlates positively with overall life satisfaction.

    3. Correlate Negatively
      Definition: To have a negative relationship with something, where one variable increases while the other decreases.
      Example Sentence: The amount of time spent on social media negatively correlates with students' academic performance.

    4. Correlate Closely
      Definition: To have a close or very strong connection or relationship.
      Example Sentence: The findings from the survey correlate closely with the predictions made by experts.

    5. Correlate Directly
      Definition: To have a direct and straightforward relationship with something else.
      Example Sentence: The number of hours worked correlates directly with the amount of overtime pay received.


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