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Word form, Antonym, Synonym, Collocation với "Definitive (a)"

August 29, 2024

I. Paraphrase của "Definitive (a)"


  1. Conclusive

    • Definition: Serving to put an end to doubt or a question; decisive.
    • Example Sentence: The research provided conclusive evidence that the new drug is effective.
  2. Authoritative

    • Definition: Considered to be the best of its kind and unlikely to be improved upon; reliable.
    • Example Sentence: Her book is considered the most authoritative guide on the subject.
  3. Final

    • Definition: Not to be altered or undone; the last in a series.
    • Example Sentence: The judge’s decision is final and cannot be appealed.

II. Antonym của "Definitive (a)"


  • Tentative

  • Indecisive

    • Definition: Not providing a clear or definite result; not settling an issue.
    • Example Sentence: The committee remained indecisive about the next steps to take.
  • Uncertain

    • Definition: Not completely confident or sure of something.
    • Example Sentence: The outcome of the election is still uncertain at this point.

III. Word form của "Definitive (a)"


  • Definition

    • Definition: A statement expressing the essential nature of something.
    • Example Sentence: The definition of success varies from person to person.
  • Definitely

    • Definition: Without any doubt; certainly.
    • Example Sentence: I will definitely attend the meeting tomorrow.
  • Define

    • Definition: To explain the meaning of a word, phrase, or concept.
    • Example Sentence: Can you define what you mean by "innovation"?

IV. Collocation của "Definitive (a)"


  1. Definitive Answer

    • Definition: A final and conclusive response to a question or problem.
    • Example Sentence: We need a definitive answer before we can move forward with the project.
  2. Definitive Guide

    • Definition: A comprehensive and authoritative resource on a particular subject.
    • Example Sentence: This book is considered the definitive guide to Italian cuisine.
  3. Definitive Proof

    • Definition: Conclusive evidence that leaves no room for doubt.
    • Example Sentence: The DNA results provided definitive proof of the suspect's involvement.
  4. Definitive Edition

    • Definition: The most complete and authoritative version of a publication.
    • Example Sentence: The publisher released a definitive edition of the author’s collected works.
  5. Definitive Statement

    • Definition: A clear and authoritative declaration.
    • Example Sentence: The CEO made a definitive statement regarding the company’s future plans.

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