Word form, Antonym, Synonym, Collocation với "displace (v)"

· Collocation

I. Paraphrase của "displace (v)"


  1. Replace

    • Definition: To take the place of something or someone.
    • IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The old equipment was replaced by new, more efficient machines.
  2. Remove

    • Definition: To take something away from its position.
    • Example Sentence: The protesters were removed from the area by the police.

II. Antonym của "displace (v)"


  • Install

    • Definition: To place or fix something in position, ready for use.
    • Example Sentence: The company decided to install new software on all computers.
  • Retain

    • Definition: To keep possession or use of something.
    • Example Sentence: Despite the restructuring, the company managed to retain most of its employees.
  • Settle

    • Definition: To place something or someone in a stable position.
    • Example Sentence: After years of moving, the family finally settled in a quiet suburb.

III. Word form của "displace (v)"


  • Displacement (n)

    • Definition: The act of displacing or the state of being displaced.
    • Example Sentence: The displacement of the population due to the war was a significant humanitarian crisis.
  • Displaced (adj)

    • Definition: Forced out of its usual or original position.
    • Example Sentence: The displaced villagers were provided with temporary shelter by the government.

IV. Collocation của "displace (v)"


  1. Displace Residents

    • Definition: To force residents to leave their homes, typically due to external circumstances.
    • Example Sentence: The construction of the new highway will displace hundreds of residents.
  2. Displace Workers

  3. Displace Water

    • Definition: To cause water to move from its original position, typically by the introduction of an object.
    • Example Sentence: The heavy rock displaced a significant amount of water when it was thrown into the pond.
  4. Displace Communities

    • Definition: To force entire communities to leave their area due to development, conflict, or disaster.
    • Example Sentence: The earthquake displaced entire communities, leaving them in need of emergency aid.
  5. Displace Indigenous People

    • Definition: To force indigenous populations to move from their ancestral lands, often due to colonization or development projects.
    • Example Sentence: The expansion of the national park displaced the indigenous people who had lived there for generations.
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