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Word form, Antonym, Synonym, Collocation với "eternity (n)"

August 29, 2024

I. Paraphrase của "eternity (n)"


  1. Forever

    • Definition: A time without end; an infinite or seemingly endless period.
    • Example Sentence: The love they shared would last forever, transcending time and space.
  2. Infinity

    • Definition: A state or quality of being infinite or having no limit.
    • Example Sentence: The universe seems to stretch into infinity, with no boundaries in sight.
  3. Perpetuity

II. Antonym của "eternity (n)"


  • Moment

    • Definition: A very brief period of time; an instant.
    • Example Sentence: That moment of joy felt fleeting compared to the challenges that followed.
  • Finiteness

    • Definition: The quality of having limits or an end.
    • Example Sentence: The finiteness of human life makes every day precious.

III. Word form của "eternity (n)"


  • Eternal (adjective)

    • Definition: Lasting or existing forever; without end.
    • Example Sentence: The eternal flame burned brightly as a symbol of hope and resilience.
  • Eternalize (verb)

    • Definition: To make something eternal or everlasting.
    • Example Sentence: The artist sought to eternalize the beauty of the landscape through his paintings.
  • Eternally (adverb)

    • Definition: In a way that lasts forever; permanently.
    • Example Sentence: She vowed to be eternally grateful for the kindness shown to her during difficult times.

IV. Collocation của "eternity (n)"


  1. For All Eternity

    • Definition: For an infinite or endless amount of time.
    • Example Sentence: They pledged to love each other for all eternity.
  2. Eternal Life

    • Definition: The concept of living forever, often in a spiritual or religious sense.
    • Example Sentence: Many religions offer the promise of eternal life to the faithful.
  3. Eternal Rest

    • Definition: A peaceful state after death, often associated with the afterlife.
    • Example Sentence: The priest prayed for the eternal rest of the departed soul.
  4. Eternal Flame

    • Definition: A flame that is kept burning indefinitely, often as a symbol of remembrance.
    • Example Sentence: The eternal flame at the war memorial honors those who sacrificed their lives.
  5. Eternal Glory

    • Definition: Everlasting fame or honor, often achieved through heroic deeds.
    • Example Sentence: The soldiers sought eternal glory on the battlefield, fighting for their country's freedom.

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