Word form, Antonym, Synonym, Collocation với "ingrain (v)"

· Collocation

I. Paraphrase của "ingrain (v)"


  1. Instill

    • Definition: To gradually but firmly establish an idea or attitude in a person's mind.
    • Example Sentence: The teacher worked hard to instill a sense of responsibility in her students.
  2. Embed

    • Definition: To fix an idea or attitude deeply in something so it becomes an integral part of it.
    • Example Sentence: The company culture was designed to embed ethical values in every employee.
    • Imprint

      • Definition: To impress or stamp an idea or quality firmly in someone's mind or memory.
      • Example Sentence: Childhood experiences can imprint lasting memories that shape a person's character.

II. Antonym của "ingrain (v)"


  • Erase

    • Definition: To remove or eliminate something completely, especially from memory or existence.
    • Example Sentence: The traumatic event was so overwhelming that she wished she could erase it from her mind.
  • Obliterate

    • Neglect

      • Definition: To fail to care for or give attention to something, allowing it to deteriorate or be forgotten.
      • Example Sentence: By neglecting to teach the importance of teamwork, the organization struggled with collaboration.

III. Word form của "ingrain (v)"


  • Ingrained (adj.)

    • Definition: Deeply rooted or firmly established in a person’s mind or behavior.
    • Example Sentence: His ingrained habits were difficult to change, even with persistent effort.
  • Ingraining (n.)

    • Definition: The process of establishing something deeply and firmly in a person's mind.
    • Example Sentence: The ingraining of positive values in children is crucial for their development.
  • Ingrainable (adj.)

    • Definition: Capable of being ingrained or firmly established.
    • Example Sentence: The principles taught in childhood are often ingrained in such a way that they become ingrained and unchangeable.

IV. Collocation của "ingrain (v)"


  • Deeply Ingrain

    • Definition: To establish something very firmly and thoroughly.
    • Example Sentence: The tradition was so deeply ingrained in the community that it continued for generations.
  • Ingrain in Culture

    • Definition: To become a fundamental part of the cultural practices or beliefs.
    • Example Sentence: The importance of hospitality is ingrained in the culture of many societies.
  • Ingrain in Mind

    • Definition: To establish something firmly in someone's memory or consciousness.
    • Example Sentence: The teacher's lessons were ingrained in the students' minds, leaving a lasting impact.
  • Ingrain in Behavior

    • Definition: To make a particular action or response a habitual part of someone’s behavior.
    • Example Sentence: Over time, good manners were ingrained in her behavior through constant reinforcement.
  • Ingrain from Childhood

    • Definition: To establish ideas, habits, or behaviors from a young age.
    • Example Sentence: Respect for elders was ingrained from childhood in their family.
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