Word form, Antonym, Synonym, Collocation với "precursor (n)"

· Collocation

I. Paraphrase của "precursor (n)"


  1. Forerunner

    • Definition: Something or someone that precedes the development or coming of something else.
    • Example Sentence: The telegraph was a forerunner of modern communication technology.
  2. Pioneer

    • Definition: A person or thing that is among the first to explore or develop a new area or concept.
    • Example Sentence: The invention of the steam engine was a pioneer in industrial advancement.

II. Antonym của "precursor (n)"


  • Follower

    • Definition: A person or thing that comes after another.
    • Example Sentence: The smartphone, as a follower of the cell phone, brought significant advancements in technology.
  • Successor

  • Outcome

    • Definition: The result or effect of an action, situation, or event.
    • Example Sentence: The outcome of the experiment confirmed the initial hypothesis.

III. Word form của "precursor (n)"


  • Precede (Verb)

    • Definition: To come before something in time or order.
    • Example Sentence: The economic downturn preceded the political unrest in the region.
  • Precursorial (Adjective)

    • Definition: Relating to something that comes before and signals or paves the way for something else.
    • Example Sentence: The precursorial technologies of the early 20th century laid the groundwork for today's digital age.
  • Precursory (Adjective)

    • Definition: Serving as a precursor or preceding something else.
    • Example Sentence: The precursory signs of a financial crisis were evident months before the market crash.

IV. Collocation của "precursor (n)"


  1. Precursor to

    • Definition: Something that comes before something else and often leads to it.
    • Example Sentence: The invention of the personal computer was a precursor to the modern digital age.
  2. Natural precursor

    • Definition: An original or inherent element that naturally leads to something else.
    • Example Sentence: The discovery of crude oil was a natural precursor to the development of the petroleum industry.
  3. Historical precursor

    • Definition: Something in history that came before and influenced later developments.
    • Example Sentence: The Magna Carta is considered a historical precursor to modern constitutional law.
  4. Cultural precursor

    • Definition: An element of culture that existed before and influenced later cultural developments.
    • Example Sentence: The Renaissance served as a cultural precursor to the Enlightenment era.
  5. Scientific precursor

    • Definition: A scientific discovery or invention that laid the groundwork for future developments.
    • Example Sentence: Galileo's observations were a scientific precursor to modern astronomy.
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