Word form, Antonym, Synonym, Collocation với "resolve (v)"

· Collocation

I. Paraphrase của "resolve (v)"


  • Settle

    • Definition: To reach a conclusion or agreement about a dispute or problem.
    • Example Sentence: The committee managed to settle the issue after hours of debate.
  • Decide

    • Definition: To make a definitive choice or judgment about something.
    • Example Sentence: After much deliberation, she finally decided to pursue a new career.
  • Determine

    • Definition: To come to a conclusion or decision after consideration.
    • Example Sentence: The jury will determine the outcome of the trial next week.

II. Antonym của "resolve (v)"


  • Procrastinate

  • Waver

    • Definition: To be undecided between different options or to show uncertainty.
    • Example Sentence: She wavered for days before making a final decision on the matter.
  • Doubt

    • Definition: To feel uncertain or lack confidence in something.
    • Example Sentence: He began to doubt his ability to resolve the conflict effectively.

III. Word form của "resolve (v)"


  • Resolution (n)

    • Definition: A firm decision to do or not to do something; the action of solving a problem.
    • Example Sentence: The company's new resolution aims to improve customer satisfaction.
  • Resolute (adj)

    • Definition: Admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering.
    • Example Sentence: Her resolute attitude helped her overcome many obstacles.

IV. Collocation của "resolve (v)"


  1. Resolve a Conflict

    • Definition: To find a peaceful solution to a disagreement or dispute.
    • Example Sentence: The mediator helped both parties resolve the conflict amicably.
  2. Resolve an Issue

    • Definition: To solve or fix a problem or concern.
    • Example Sentence: The IT department worked overnight to resolve the issue with the server.
  3. Resolve a Dispute

    • Definition: To settle a disagreement or argument.
    • Example Sentence: The two companies are working to resolve their dispute without going to court.
  4. Resolve a Problem

    • Definition: To find a solution to a difficult or complex situation.
    • Example Sentence: Engineers were called in to resolve the problem with the machinery.
  5. Resolve Differences

    • Definition: To reconcile or find common ground between conflicting views or opinions.
    • Example Sentence: The negotiators are trying to resolve their differences to reach an agreement.

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