Word form, Antonym, Synonym, Collocation với "resonate (v)"

· Collocation

I. Paraphrase của "resonate (v)"


  • Echo

    • Definition: To reflect or repeat a sound, or to have a continuing effect.
    • Example Sentence: His words echoed in her mind long after the conversation ended.
  • Strike a chord

    • Definition: To evoke a particular emotion or memory in someone.
    • Example Sentence: The movie struck a chord with audiences, reminding them of their own childhood experiences.
  • Resound

    • Definition: To be filled with sound or to make a loud, clear sound; often used metaphorically to indicate something that has a powerful effect.
    • Example Sentence: Her voice resounded through the hall, captivating everyone who listened.

II. Antonym của "resonate (v)"


  • Dull

  • Fall flat

    • Definition: To fail to produce the intended effect or impact; to not elicit a response or interest.
    • Example Sentence: The comedian’s joke fell flat, leaving the audience in awkward silence.
  • Disregard

    • Definition: To pay no attention to; ignore or dismiss.
    • Example Sentence: The manager disregarded the employee’s suggestion, considering it irrelevant.

III. Word form của "resonate (v)"


  • Resonance

    • Definition: The quality in a sound of being deep, full, and reverberating; the ability to evoke or suggest images, memories, and emotions.
    • Example Sentence: The resonance of the singer’s voice filled the concert hall with an intense emotional impact.
  • Resonant

    • Definition: (Adjective) Having a strong, deep sound or having the ability to evoke or suggest enduring images, memories, or emotions.
    • Example Sentence: The resonant tones of the piano made the entire room vibrate with energy.
  • Resonated

    • Definition: (Past tense of Resonate) To have produced or been filled with a deep, full, reverberating sound; to have had a particular meaning or importance.
    • Example Sentence: The message resonated with the audience, inspiring them to take action.

IV. Collocation của "resonate (v)"


    1. Resonate deeply

      • Definition: To strongly affect someone emotionally or intellectually.
      • Example Sentence: The speaker’s story resonated deeply with the crowd, bringing many to tears.
    2. Resonate with

      • Definition: To have a particular meaning or importance to someone; to strike a chord with.
      • Example Sentence: The new policy resonated with many employees who felt their concerns were finally being addressed.
    3. Resonate emotionally

      • Definition: To evoke strong emotions or feelings.
      • Example Sentence: The film resonated emotionally with viewers, touching on universal themes of love and loss.
    4. Resonate across

      • Definition: To spread or be impactful across different groups, areas, or times.
      • Example Sentence: The message of equality resonated across the nation, leading to widespread support for the movement.
    5. Resonate strongly

      • Definition: To have a powerful or significant impact.
      • Example Sentence: The idea of sustainability resonated strongly with the younger generation, who are passionate about environmental issues.
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