Word form, Antonym, Synonym, Collocation với "seizure (n)"

· Collocation

I. Paraphrase của "seizure (n)"


  1. Confiscation

    • Definition: The act of taking or seizing someone's property with authority.
    • Example Sentence: The police ordered the confiscation of illegal goods found in the warehouse.
  2. Capture

    • Definition: The act of taking control of something, especially by force or strategy.
    • Example Sentence: The capture of the enemy's base marked a turning point in the battle.
    • Appropriation

      • Definition: The act of taking something for one's own use, typically without permission.
      • Example Sentence: The appropriation of cultural artifacts by foreign museums has been a topic of controversy.

II. Antonym của "seizure (n)"


  • Release

  • Return

    • Definition: The act of giving back something that was taken or borrowed.
    • Example Sentence: After the investigation, the police ordered the return of the seized assets to their rightful owner.
  • Restoration

    • Definition: The act of bringing something back to its original state or position.
    • Example Sentence: The restoration of the confiscated property to its owner was carried out promptly.

III. Word form của "seizure (n)"


  • Seize (Verb)

    • Definition: To take hold of something quickly and firmly.
    • Example Sentence: The officers seized the contraband hidden in the vehicle.
  • Seizing (Noun)

    • Definition: The act of taking hold of something suddenly and forcibly.
    • Example Sentence: The seizing of assets occurred without prior notice.
  • Seizable (Adjective)

    • Definition: Capable of being seized or taken into possession.
    • Example Sentence: The police identified several seizable items during the raid

IV. Collocation của "seizure (n)"


      1. Seizure of Property

        • Definition: The act of taking possession of property by legal right or authority.
        • Example Sentence: The court ordered the seizure of property related to the fraudulent activities.
      2. Seizure Order

        • Definition: A legal document authorizing the taking of assets or property.
        • Example Sentence: The judge issued a seizure order for the suspect's bank accounts.
      3. Seizure Warrant

        • Definition: A legal document that permits the law enforcement authorities to seize property.
        • Example Sentence: The police executed a seizure warrant on the suspect’s house.
      4. Epileptic Seizure

        • Definition: A sudden burst of electrical activity in the brain causing convulsions.
        • Example Sentence: The patient was rushed to the hospital after experiencing an epileptic seizure.
      5. Seizure of Evidence

        • Definition: The act of taking physical evidence during an investigation.
        • Example Sentence: The seizure of evidence was crucial for the prosecution’s case.

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