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Collocation với danh từ "bed"

March 13, 2023

I. Kiến thức liên quan

II. Collocation với danh từ "bed"

1. Adj + bed

double, king-size, single, twin | bunk, camp, feather, folding, four-poster, hospital, sofa | warm | unmade a messy room, with an unmade bed and clothes on the floor | marriage

2. Verb + bed

do (informal), make, make up, climb into, crawl into, get into, go to, tumble into, climb out of, get out of, leap out of | lie (down) on, lie in, sit on, put sb to, tuck sb up in + bed

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • Please strip the beds and put the sheets in the washing machine. 
  • She crawled into bed exhausted. 
  • He lay in bed, reading his book. 
  • Elizabeth was sitting on her bed writing a letter. 
  • Don't punish a child who wets the bed.
  • It's your turn to put the children to bed.

3. Bed + noun

Bed + clothes, linen

4. Cụm từ

  • in bed
  • out of bed
  • bed and breakfast
  • the edge/side of the bed
  • the foot/head of the bed
  • take to your bed (= go to bed because you are ill)
  • time for bed

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • I like to be in bed before 11 o'clock. 
  • Are you out of bed yet?
  • Come on, children, it's time for bed.

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