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Collocation với danh từ"opinion"

March 30, 2023

I. Kiến thức liên quan

II. Collocation với danh từ "opinion"

1. adj + opinion

good, high, low, poor, strong, conflicting, different, mixed, honest, expert, informed, professional, considered, personal, subjective, objective, contrary, majority, minority, general, popular, public, international, local, national, academic, legal, medical, political + opinion

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • Opinions are mixed regarding genetically-modified food. 
  • If you want my honest opinion, I think the book is awful.
  • If in doubt about your diagnosis, get a second opinion.
  • Contrary to popular opinion, many adult cats dislike milk. 

2. verb + opinion

entertain, have, hold, express, give (sb), offer (sb), pass, state, voice, ask sb, seek, change, mould, shape, get, form + opinion

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • The bishop spoke without passing any opinion on the scandal.
  • He asked me for my opinion on the course.
  • I formed the opinion that he was not to be trusted.
  • Attempts to shape public opinion

3. opinion + verb

opinion + change, differ, vary, be against sth, be in favour of sth, be divided

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • Opinions differ as to when this wine should be drunk.
  • Prevailing local opinion is against the new road proposals. 
  • Public opinion is divided on the subject of capital punishment.

4. cụm từ

  • in your opinion
  • opinion about/on
  • opinion as to
  • opinion of
  • be of the opinion that … (formal) (= to believe or think that)
  • a difference of opinion
  • a matter of opinion
  • opinion among
  • shades of opinion
  • in my humble opinion

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • In my opinion, golf is a dull sport. 
  • She holds strong opinions on education.
  • Opinions as to the merits of the scheme 
  • He has a very high opinion of your work.
  • A genuine difference of opinion between the experts
  • ‘London is wonderful.’ ‘That's a matter of opinion.’
  • Opinion among doctors is that the medication is safe.
  • All shades of political opinion

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