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Word form, Antonym, Synonym, Collocation với "antisocial (a)"

August 29, 2024

I. Paraphrase của "antisocial (a)"


  1. Withdrawn

    • Definition: Reserved and not interested in interacting with others.
    • Example: He became increasingly withdrawn after moving to the new city, rarely speaking to anyone.
  2. Reclusive

    • Definition: Preferring to live in isolation and avoiding social interactions.
    • Example: The reclusive author lived in a cabin in the woods, far from any human contact.
  3. Unsociable

    • Definition: Unwilling to engage in social activities or to interact with others.
    • Example: Her unsociable nature made it difficult for her to make friends at the new school.

II. Antonym của "antisocial (a)"


  • Sociable

  • Outgoing

    • Definition: Friendly and eager to meet new people; extroverted.
    • Example: His outgoing personality made him the life of the party.
  • Friendly

    • Definition: Kind, pleasant, and open to interacting with others.
    • Example: The friendly neighbor always waved and greeted everyone who passed by.

III. Word form của "antisocial (a)"


  • Antisocially (adverb)

    • Definition: In a manner that shows a lack of interest in social interactions.
    • Example: He behaved antisocially, ignoring everyone at the gathering.
  • Antisociality (noun)

    • Definition: The quality or state of being antisocial.
    • Example: The doctor diagnosed him with antisociality, noting his lack of interest in others.
  • Antisocialist (noun)

    • Definition: A person who exhibits antisocial behavior or tendencies.
    • Example: The antisocialist preferred to spend time alone rather than engaging in group activities.

IV. Collocation của "antisocial (a)"


    1. Antisocial behavior

      • Definition: Actions that harm or lack consideration for others, often violating social norms.
      • Example: His antisocial behavior, such as vandalism, led to his arrest.
    2. Antisocial personality

      • Definition: A personality characterized by persistent patterns of disregarding or violating the rights of others.
      • Example: The therapist diagnosed the patient with an antisocial personality, noting his lack of empathy.
    3. Antisocial tendencies

      • Definition: Inclinations or habits that are unfriendly or harmful to social interaction.
      • Example: Her antisocial tendencies became more apparent as she withdrew from all social gatherings.
    4. Antisocial acts

      • Definition: Actions that are against social norms, often harmful to others.
      • Example: The judge condemned his antisocial acts, which included theft and assault.
    5. Antisocial disorder

      • Definition: A mental health condition characterized by a long-term pattern of disregard for, or violation of, the rights of others.
      • Example: He was diagnosed with an antisocial disorder, which explained his frequent conflicts with the law.

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