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Word form, Antonym, Synonym, Collocation với "ascend (v)"

August 29, 2024

I. Paraphrase của "ascend (v)"


  1. Climb

    • Definition: To move upwards, often referring to physical movement.
    • Example Sentence: The hikers began to climb the steep mountain trail at dawn.
  2. Rise

  3. Soar

    • Definition: To fly or rise high in the air.
    • Example Sentence: The eagle spread its wings and began to soar above the mountains.

II. Antonym của "ascend (v)"


  • Descend

    • Definition: To move or fall downward.
    • Example Sentence: As the sun set, they began to descend the mountain, carefully navigating the rocky path.
  • Drop

    • Definition: To fall or let something fall vertically.
    • Example Sentence: The temperatures began to drop sharply as winter approached.
  • Sink

    • Definition: To go down below the surface or to a lower level.
    • Example Sentence: The boat started to sink after it hit the iceberg.

III. Word form của "ascend (v)"


  • Ascension (n)

    • Definition: The act of rising to an important position or a higher level.
    • Example Sentence: The king's ascension to the throne marked the beginning of a new era.
  • Ascendant (adj)

    • Definition: Rising in power or influence.
    • Example Sentence: The company became ascendant in the industry after a series of successful mergers.
  • Ascendency (n)

    • Definition: The state of being in a higher position or having greater power.
    • Example Sentence: The political party gained ascendancy over its rivals after the election.

IV. Collocation của "ascend (v)"


  • Ascend the throne

    • Definition: To take on the role of king or queen.
    • Example Sentence: After the king's death, the prince was prepared to ascend the throne.
  • Ascend a mountain

    • Definition: To climb or hike up a mountain.
    • Example Sentence: The team of climbers was determined to ascend the mountain despite the harsh weather conditions.
  • Ascend to power

    • Definition: To gain control or authority in a political or organizational context.
    • Example Sentence: The young leader quickly ascended to power within the party.
  • Ascend the ranks

    • Definition: To move up through a hierarchy or series of levels, often in a job or organization.
    • Example Sentence: She worked hard to ascend the ranks within the company.
  • Ascend in popularity

    • Definition: To become more popular or widely accepted.
    • Example Sentence: The artist's latest album helped him ascend in popularity among younger audiences.

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