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Word form, Antonym, Synonym, Collocation với "impairment (n)"

August 29, 2024

I. Paraphrase của "impairment (n)"


  1. Disability

    • Definition: A physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities.
    • Example Sentence: The new policy aims to support individuals with disabilities by providing better access to education and healthcare.
  2. Deficiency

    • Definition: A lack or shortage, especially of something essential.
    • Example Sentence: Vitamin D deficiency can lead to serious health issues, including bone density impairment.
  3. Dysfunction

    • Definition: Abnormal or impaired functioning, especially of a bodily system or organ.
    • Example Sentence: The patient was diagnosed with liver dysfunction, which impaired their ability to process certain medications.

II. Antonym của "impairment (n)"


  • Functionality

  • Ability

    • Definition: The possession of the means or skill to do something.
    • Example Sentence: Despite her physical impairment, she has the ability to excel in academic pursuits.
  • Soundness

    • Definition: The state of being in good condition; free from damage or impairment.
    • Example Sentence: The engineer confirmed the soundness of the bridge, ensuring there were no impairments to its structure.

III. Word form của "impairment (n)"


  • Impair (Verb)

    • Definition: To weaken or damage something, especially a human faculty or function.
    • Example Sentence: Drinking alcohol can impair your judgment and reaction times.
  • Impaired (Adjective)

    • Definition: Weakened or damaged, especially physically or mentally.
    • Example Sentence: The impaired driver was unable to navigate the road safely due to poor visibility.

IV. Collocation của "impairment (n)"


      1. Cognitive Impairment

        • Definition: A decline in memory or other thinking skills, severe enough to reduce a person's ability to perform everyday activities.
        • Example Sentence: Cognitive impairment is often one of the first signs of Alzheimer's disease.
      2. Visual Impairment

        • Definition: A significant reduction in vision that cannot be corrected with standard glasses or contact lenses.
        • Example Sentence: The school provides specialized resources for students with visual impairments.
      3. Hearing Impairment

        • Definition: A partial or total inability to hear.
        • Example Sentence: People with hearing impairments may benefit from using hearing aids to enhance their ability to communicate.
      4. Mental Impairment

        • Definition: A condition in which a person's mental faculties are diminished.
        • Example Sentence: The accident resulted in a severe mental impairment that affected his ability to remember past events.
      5. Physical Impairment

        • Definition: A condition that limits a person's physical abilities.
        • Example Sentence: After the accident, she experienced a physical impairment that required months of rehabilitation.

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