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Word form, Antonym, Synonym, Collocation với "trail (n)"

August 29, 2024

I. Paraphrase của "trail (n)"


  1. Pathway

    • Definition: A route or course taken to reach a specific destination.
    • Example Sentence: The hikers followed the pathway through the dense forest to reach the waterfall.
  2. Track

    • Definition: A marked or beaten path often used by people or animals.
    • Example Sentence: The train moved steadily along the track, winding through the mountains.
  3. Route

    • Definition: A set path or course used for travel or transportation.
    • Example Sentence: The cyclist chose a scenic route that offered breathtaking views of the coastline.

II. Antonym của "trail (n)"


  • Lead

  • Precede

    • Definition: To come before something in time or position.
    • Example Sentence: A warm-up session preceded the intense workout to prepare the athletes' muscles.
  • Advance

    • Definition: To move forward in a purposeful way.
    • Example Sentence: The army advanced on the enemy territory with strategic precision.

III. Word form của "trail (n)"


  • Trailer

    • Definition: A vehicle or container pulled by another vehicle, or a preview of a movie.
    • Example Sentence: The trailer for the upcoming film excited the audience with its action-packed scenes.

IV. Collocation của "trail (n)"


  1. Nature trail

    • Definition: A designated path in a natural area for walking and observing wildlife.
    • Example Sentence: The nature trail was filled with informative signs about the local flora and fauna.
  2. Blaze a trail

    • Definition: To create a new path or lead in a field by being innovative.
    • Example Sentence: The company blazed a trail in renewable energy by developing the first affordable solar panels.
  3. Leave a trail

    • Definition: To leave behind evidence or a series of clues.
    • Example Sentence: The thief left a trail of footprints that led the police directly to his hideout.
  4. Dusty trail

    • Definition: A dry, often dirt-covered path, typically in a rural or desert area.
    • Example Sentence: The cowboy rode down the dusty trail under the scorching sun.

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