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Word form, Antonym, Synonym, Collocation với "Unconstrained (a)"

August 29, 2024

I. Paraphrase của "Unconstrained (a)"


  1. Unrestricted

    • Example Sentence: The company's growth has been unrestricted by the usual market limitations.
  2. Unrestricted

    • Example Sentence: Her creativity is unrestricted, allowing her to explore new ideas without limitations.
  3. Unlimited

    • Example Sentence: The artist had unlimited freedom to design the mural as she saw fit.

II. Antonym của "Unconstrained (a)"


  • Restricted

  • Constrained

    • Definition: Forced or compelled, often by external forces, to act in a particular way.
    • Example Sentence: His choices were constrained by the strict rules of the organization.
  • Confined

    • Definition: Restricted within a particular area, space, or limit.
    • Example Sentence: The prisoners were confined to their cells for 23 hours a day.

III. Word form của "Unconstrained (a)"


  • Constraint

    • Definition: A limitation or restriction.
    • Example Sentence: The project faced several constraints, including a tight budget and limited time.
  • Constrain

    • Definition: To force or limit someone or something to behave in a particular way.
    • Example Sentence: The design was constrained by the available materials.
  • Constrict

    • Definition: To make something narrower, tighter, or smaller; to limit the movement or growth of something.
    • Example Sentence: The snake constricted its prey before consuming it.

IV. Collocation của "Unconstrained (a)"


  1. Unconstrained creativity

    • Definition: The ability to think freely and creatively without limitations.
    • Example Sentence: The team was encouraged to approach the project with unconstrained creativity.
  2. Unconstrained growth

    • Definition: Growth that is not limited or hindered by external factors.
    • Example Sentence: The company's unconstrained growth led to its rapid expansion in the market.
  3. Unconstrained access

    • Definition: Access that is not limited or restricted in any way.
    • Example Sentence: The public was given unconstrained access to the museum's new exhibit.
  4. Unconstrained freedom

    • Definition: Complete freedom without any restrictions.
    • Example Sentence: The artist worked with unconstrained freedom, resulting in a masterpiece.
  5. Unconstrained development

    • Definition: Development that occurs without any restrictions or limitations.
    • Example Sentence: The unconstrained development of the land led to environmental concerns.

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